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​Lai Thanh Huyen

​Freelancer, Ha Noi

My biggest fortune was meeting my coach at ME&WE. Why am I saying that?


Maybe in the past, I was a naturally pessimistic person who would constantly over-interpreted things, focusing on only one part of the issue rather than considering it from all sides. I used to judge and think negatively, and I would occasionally act carelessly and irrationally. Due to several failures and subsequent melancholy over family and emotional issues, I do not clearly understand where my life is going. Before I discovered it by accident and with the help of my coach, there was no way to resolve anything.


I have firmly addressed and determined that I would always have ME&WE at my side from the time when depression has haunted the past to the present. Every time I follow the coach's advice and lead, I succeed. She is the person to whom I want to share my good news first. 


In order to avoid making unneeded judgments and live a much fuller and ideal life, the coach assisted me in learning additional viewpoints to analyze the tale.


When I recognize the direction I want to go in life, I am happiest! Regards, ME&WE ❤️

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