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Image by Farid Askerov

Rise up from a breakup that
broke your soul


Life as you know it - love with your other half by your side - is over. When the shock of the breakup wears off, you'll struggle to manage anger, sadness, and obsessive thoughts. You are asking the question, “Why did the relationship end? How will you overcome this? Why can't I move forward? Will I ever find love again?


This coaching package is for yourself if you are…

Obsessed and reflected on why you broke up

Question your self-worth, are you good enough?

Struggling to really cut it and stop post-breakup hook-ups, texting or social media stalking

Mourning the loss of the future you envisioned with your ex

Feeling lost and confused about your life purpose now that your relationship has ended

Wish you could have forgotten your ex a long time ago

Feeling anxious, rejected, abandoned and completely alone

Constantly blaming myself, crying several times a day, losing weight and not being able to sleep

Fear the process of dating again

Worried that no one will be as good as your ex

Afraid of getting hurt and really letting someone into my heart

Repeatedly the same type of relationship is unclear, negative, and disordered

Worry about bringing hurt into your new relationship

Feeling afraid to trust yourself and your judgment when choosing a new life partner

Feeling lost in the online dating world, lacking confidence and feeling insecure when meeting people in real life

You are confused about what you are really looking for in a life partner

Not sure how to tell when you've met the one for you

Question whether you will ever find true, deep and lasting love

ME&WE is here to help you heal your heart and restore your self-worth, confidence and master the skills to get the love you want consciously with a clear strategy. What can we offer you in the post-breakup transformation?

Exit the “power off” mode and get through the five stages of grief (Rejection - Anger - Negotiate - Recession - Acceptance)

Control obsessive thoughts about your ex and finally clear your mind

Set healthy breakup boundaries, create an environment of freedom, and learn essential survival skills

Understand why breakups happen and find meaning in your pain

Develop more confidence, self-worth and self-love

Identify and reflect on the lessons your love has learned so you can become a smarter, more intentional lover

Understand how your childhood attachments affect your adult romantic relationships

Find out the characteristics and qualities of the person who is right for you in your current life

Learn to date purposefully so that the next serious relationship you enter will be with someone with serious potential.

Determine what is worth compromising against the uncompromising red flags on the other side

Learn how to cultivate lasting happiness from within to attract healthy and wonderful love for you


What do you get in return with professional companionship from ME&WE?

Stop thinking about your ex

Stop living with guilt, regret and sadness

Feel more inner peace, more understanding and more happiness

Get over your breakup once and for all

Live with more purpose

Feel more confident and secure

Shoot the date scene with more confidence and clarity

Make more meaningful connections

Avoid heartbreak in the future because you'll be a smarter date

Quickly assess whether the person you are dating is the 'right person'

Attract people who match your desires better

Creating and maintaining lasting love

A big breakup can be an inspiring opportunity for growth, can push you to redefine your self-concept, increase your self-worth, break free of negative stereotypes, attract and receive love from a more ideal match, someone who will love you fiercely and never let you go.

Do you want to live your life feeling like your love story is over? Or do you want to learn to live life with emotion, courage, and confidence that you're really just entering the first chapter of the epic love story you deserve, and that you need to be ready because it's coming close?

Ready for the big turning point ahead?

Fill in the information to schedule a free consultation appointment for your unique needs

ME&WE hope to see you soon and learn more about you!

12-14B, Lane 6, Van Phuc St.,  Ba Dinh District, Hanoi

B19.05, Goldview, 346 Ben Van Don St., District 4,  

Ho Chi Minh City

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